Why End Grain?
What is end grain?
In contrast to the usual timber, end grain wood is cut crosswise to the trunk and crosswise to the wood fibre.

Maple and walnut end grain.
„A end grain cutting board has a very high durability and cut resistance.“
This does not damage the wood fibre during cutting and the cutting board retains its unique beauty for years and accompanies you for a lifetime.

Injuries to the surface of conventional wooden cutting board.
Injuries to the surface of a SIA design end grain cutting board.

The same SIA end grain cutting board after one-time cleaning and care with SIA cutting board oil.
End grain cutting boards are also extremely gentle on the knife, as the knife displaces the fibres instead of cutting them.
Colours and odours dissolve much more easily from end grain cutting boards than from typical wood or plastic boards. Because the upright fibre in the end grain board absorbs and releases moisture more quickly. This also supports the antiseptic effect of wood in the kitchen area.
Our boards are designed and manufactured by us here in Germany.
We rely exclusively on timber traders and sawmills in the region and, with a few exceptions, only use local timber.
Through appropriate cleaning and care, our end grain cutting boards have a kind of "selfhealing" effect:
During cutting, the oiled surface is injured for a short time, but the fibres straighten up again.